Crazy Dream

I was going to post about something else today but last night I had a dream that stayed with me.  You know the sort of deliciously warm dream that when you wake up, you’re afraid to open your eyes because you don’t want it to go away, you want to go straight back into dreamland and see what happens next?

I often have dreams that stay with me, I’d love to know what they all really mean.  I’m not going to get into this one because I can’t really explain what made it so nice, thinking about it, it was quite an eventless dream, I was just happy in it.  Dreams are kind of important to me.  Sometimes I dream about a story and I can’t calm down until I write it down although by the time I do, it’s lost a lot of it’s magic.  I have a lot of unfinished or neglected stories  on my pc, more than half resulted in a dream.  I sort of feel like I’m cheating to say I made them up myself. 

I don’t usually have nightmares but the odd time I do, they involve something bad happening to a family member and it is so vivid that as soon as I wake up I have to make sure that the people involved are okay in real life.  This disturbs me.  Part of the reason I get so freaked out is because quite a few of my dreams have come true before.  Now, there is most likely an explanation for that – my subconscious probably realizing that it was the most likely outcome of events or something boring like that but it doesn’t stop that fear that suddenly unleashes itself when I dream about something “bad”.

 I love to dream, I wish I could remember more of them but maybe I should stop being a dreamer and let go.  I think I may depend on my dreams a little bit too much, sometimes if I’m working on a story and I’m stuck, I go to sleep and hope that I’ll resolve things in my dreams.  I just read that sentence and maybe I’m crazier than I thought…

I’ve always been a dreamer, a daydreamer, a night dreamer, the dreamer that waits for something better to come along, the type of person that things happen to, the person who doesn’t take action to move things along.  I’m safe in my little dreamland 🙂  You can imagine how wierd I must be if one little dream made me go all whimsical and lala in today’s post.  I might write down some of my dreams here sometimes, if they’re strange enough that is!  In fairness, a lot of what I say is strange enough so the dreams won’t see out of place.  😉

4 Responses so far »

  1. 1

    Depending on how my day was, I’ll either dream or not. Usually a dream remains with me in the sleepy just-lay-in-bed hours and then the minute I get up it dissipates- I’ll think, I just had the most amazing dream, and for the life of me can’t remember what happened within it.

    I don’t think you should ever let go of your dreams, they are such an important part (in my mind) of the thought process (or sub-thought process?). It’s a nice thought that things would resolve in dreams, I wish it held true for me.

  2. 2

    clairec23 said,

    You’re so polite Lauren, “It’s a nice thought”… 🙂 I think I rely on the oul dreamland too much. I go to bed and hope I have the same nice dream again, it’s a bit sad really 🙂

  3. 3

    I’m always hoping to have the same dream, sometimes I’ll try really hard to start it off when I’m awake and hope it continues when I’m asleep. . . . which never happens.

  4. 4

    clairec23 said,

    I do the exact same thing 🙂 Pity it never happens tho!

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